
Sunday, September 10, 2006

How An Answering Service Is Affected By The Internet And Technology

By Julia Tanner

Despite losing ground to Microsoft and clone PCs, Macs still have a strong following, especially since an Apple Computer rarely becomes affected by viruses. Also, Mac enthusiasts, especially those in the design and journalism fields will attest to the power of the Macintosh in these environments.

Apple Computer is still adding new lines to the brand. Also, they once more revolutionized the computing industry a few years ago when they came out the the iPod.


This is the Company’s leading desktop computer, and the popular iPod was developed along with it. The introduction of the iMac in 1998 was directly responsible for Apple Computer’s rising profit margins.

Power Mac

This is Apple’s high end personal computer; it is also referred to as a Power Macintosh.


The current Apple MacBook laptops come in three models, 1.83GHz, and two 2.0GHz, one white and one black; all using Intel Core Duo processors and equipped with 13-inch monitors. These replaced the previous PowerBook laptops.

MacBook Pro

This is the high-end version of the MacBook, designed especially for business and other professional applications. There are currently three models available, two 15.4-inch models, a 2GHz and a 2.16GHz version, as well as a 17-inch 2.16 GHz model.

Mac Mini

This PC is similar to the very first Apple I; the Mini Mac is the lowest price Mac on the market. This Mac is available in two versions and comes without a keyboard, monitor or mouse. They also use Intel processors.


Apple’s contribution to the server business, Xserve, was first released in 2002. The Xserve can be used in a wide number of applications.


This portable media player was another in a line of innovative designs from Apple Computer. This device has undergone various improvements since it was first introduced in 2002, the latest being the addition of video capabilities. Many now act as external flash drives as well, allowing the storage of photos and videos in addition to music.

Apple computers have come a long way since they were first introduced and continue to fire the imagination of Mac users worldwide.

About the Author: visit and read more of Yina’s articles.



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